A rare 2-headed turtle is doing well at a wildlife center after hatching 2 weeks ago

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A two-week-old two-headed diamondback terrapin is being cared for at the Birdsey Cape Wildlife Center in Barnstable, Mass.

Steve Heaslip/Cape Cod Times via AP

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Steve Heaslip/Cape Cod Times via AP

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The turtle originally came from a nest in West Barnstable that reseachers detemined was in a hazardous location and needed to be moved. After hatching, turtles in these so-called «head start» nests are sent to different care centers to be monitored before their release in the spring, The Cape Cod Times reported.

Center veterinarian Pria Patel and other staff will continue to monitor the turtle in the coming weeks. They’re hoping to perform a CT scan to learn more about its circulatory system.

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